Anton Wieser and Elizabeth Winter and their descendants

The family of Anton Wieser and Elizabeth Winter Wieser came from Volkertshausen, Baden, German to the US in 1857 and settled in Dubuque County, Iowa.  Their children Andrew, Theodore, Martin and Frances remained in Iowa. Their oldest son Vincent eventually moved to Texas.  The grandchildren and great grandchildren of Anton and Elizabeth are spread across the U.S. from Massachusetts to California and from Washington to Texas.  Richard Wieser is descended from John Andrew Wieser the only surviving son of Andrew Wieser and Mary Graf.  The family is discussed in the Wieser Family Article.


The children of Anton Wieser and Elizabeth Winter, back row: left to right: Theodore, Andrew  front row: Martin, Frances (Wieser) Irmen and Vincent Wieser.

Photo labled "Hico Texas"  The residence of Vincent F. Wieser, oldest son of Anton Wieser and Elizabeth Winter.  Vincent moved his family to Texas and became a very successful business man.

John Andrew Wieser, only surviving son of Andrew and Mary (Graf) Wieser.

John Andrew Wieser and his first wife Joanna, with children, Marie, Lester and Charlotte on the front step of 3053 Lemon Ave, Dubuque, Iowa.

Weiser Family, the woman in the center back is probably Johanna Wieser holding Andrew.  Next to her on the right is John A. Wieser.  Marie, Charlotte and Lester are the first three children from left to right.  The remaining individuals are currently unidentified but I would guess they are family.

from left to right: Andrew, Charlotte, Lester and Marie Wieser, children of John A. Wieser by his first marriage.

left to right: Catherine Graf,, Norbert Graf, Marie Graf Wieser, Joseph Graf, Ula Graf and Anna Graf outside the house on Lemon Street in Dubuque, at Marie's marriage to John Andrew Wieser.

Marie Theresa Graf, second wife of John Andrew Wieser.

Marie Graf, maybe a wedding portrait.  Both Andrew Wieser and his son John Andrew Wieser were married to women named Mary/Marie Graf.  There is only one known photo of the older Mary Graf Wieser.


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